Solomon Mobile Technology Limited Apps

FPV Booster for Vision 1.0
FPV Booster improves Wi-Fi video connection(FPV, First Personal View) performance for DJI Phantom 2 Vision(non-Plus). It boosts additional 30%-100% FPV range and stabilizesvideo with higher Preview Quality by a single click. You mayexperience better FPV performance gain if your normal FPV range ispoor (such as below 200m with 640x480 15fps), while you may not seesignificant improvement if your normal FPV range is good (such asmore than 300m with 640x480 15fps). For some incompatible Androiddevices, the app may crash when you open it, you should thenuninstall it immediately for refund.Please read FAQ below carefully prior purchase.How it works:1. Turn on both Phantom 2 Vision aircraft and RE500 range extender,and connect your Android device to Wi-Fi network as usual.2. Open FPV Booster app, tap BOOST button. The app connects toVision aircraft and RE500 range extender through the Wi-Fi network,then it boosts FPV range by applying Wi-Fi tweaks. It will thendisplay a message "Your FPV is boosted. Happy flying!"3. Open DJI VISION app to prepare takeoff.Note: Every time when you power cycle Vision aircraft or RE500range extender, you need to run FPV Booster app to take effect.WARNING: FPV Booster is ONLY compatible with DJI Phantom 2Vision (P2V) and RE500 range extender. Running the app on otherincompatible platforms (including Phantom 2 Vision+ or RE700 rangeextender) may encounter unexpected results. It does NOT supportmixed P2V and RE700 configuration.FAQ:Q1. Does FPV Booster increase Wi-Fi power of Vision aircraft orRE500 range extender?A1. NO. FPV Booster uses various Wifi tweaks applying on Visionaircraft and RE500 range extender WITHOUT increasing Wi-Fipower.Q2. How to test it working?A2. Fly your Vision WITHOUT turning on the booster (as a reference)to your favorite flight path until Wi-Fi video dropped. Fly backyour Vision and run the FPV Booster app, then fly again the sameflight path with the same Preview Quality for apple-to-applecomparison. You may need to fly higher altitude for longer range inorder to maintain line-of-sight. It may fly out of your 5.8Gcontrol range and trigger RTH.Q3. Does it work with other Wi-Fi antenna and/or amplifiermods?A3. We tested FPV Booster with stock (un-modded) Vision aircraftand RE500 range extender. As we are unsure how the mods are done,thus there is no way to guarantee the booster app working withother mods. However, using the booster app is way cheaper andeasier than any hardware mod to boost FPV range, as well aseliminating all the hassles of adding/replacing 2.4G antenna,amplifier, high power repeater, pigtail cable, drilling &soldering.Q4. What should I do if I could not achieve expected FPVresult?A4. You may email us with the following information fortroubleshooting.- What platform (iOS/Android) and version (indicated at upper righthand corner) of FPV Booster are you using?- What is the FPV range, Altitude and Preview Quality BEFOREboosted when you think reaching the limit? If the FPV range (beforeboosted) is significantly shorter than DJI's specification, itmight be hardware/software issues of DJI products. FPV Booster isunable to address the hardware/software issues.- What is the FPV range, Altitude and Preview Quality AFTER boostedwhen you think reaching the limit?- What message do you see on DJI VISION app, such as “PhantomConnection Broken” or “Control Signal Lost”?- Do you fly behind trees, buildings or any obstacle? Are you ableto maintain line-of-sight between you and your aircraft?